Innovative products

Innovative products

Technologists of our company have developed a new material — a refractory insulating mass I-Mold.

This is the first such product of Russian origin, created from environmentally friendly materials, with replacement of dangerous cancer asbest-containing components and expensive imported fillers. Kaolin wool, which is the basis of refractory insulating mass I-Mold, is a natural high-tech product.

Compared with asbest-containing materials, mass I-Mold is more convenient in using, because it has the following qualities:


  • high elasticity;
  • good gunning;
  • low thermal conductivity due to the high porosity.


Multifunctionality is another advantage of this material: mass I-Mold is not only used for the closing of induction furnaces channels, but also for the attachment of metal wires and operative repairing of the refractory lining.

Insulating refractory mass I-Mold is successfully used on our customers' enterprises — «Alcoa Metallurg Rus» JSC («AMP») (Belaya Kalitva), etc.